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Invasive Species Holiday Cards (5 pack) with DONATION and one AISC Annual MEMBERSHIP

The ultimate gift for the nature lover on your list, AISC Holiday Greeting Cards!

This set includes 5, high-quality, full-sized greeting cards each highlighting a different AISC invasive species program AND indicates that a donation has beemade on the recipient's behalf. Programs highlighted on the cards are 'Squeal on Pigs!', Don't Let It Loose, the Early Detection and Distribution Mapping System (EDDMapS) app, Grow Me Instead, and the Alberta Certified Weed Free Forage program.

One Annual AISC Membership is included with the purchase of a 5-pack of Holiday Cards. This can be gifted or kept for yourself! AISC Members receive member perks, including discounts on AISC's online store, discounted registration to the AISC's Annual conference, a vote at the Annual General Meeting and a contribution to protecting Alberta from the impacts of invasive species.

AISC Holiday Greeting Cards are a great way to connect with friends and family over the holidays and help protect Alberta from the impacts of invasive species.

Note that shipping does not include tracking. If you need expedited or tracked shipping, please contact us at or 587 999 0954.


Invasive Species Holiday Cards (5 pack) with DONATION and one AISC Annual MEMBERSHIP


Members Only
