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Invasive Plants of Alberta - Single Copy

Invasive Plants of Alberta Guide 2024, 4th edition, 147 pages, coil bound with clear plastic front and back cover.

The Invasive Plants of Alberta Guide provides an overview of the 46 Prohibited Noxious and 29 Noxious invasive plant species regulated under the Weed Control Act and 11 other unregulated invasive plant species. Habitat preferences, control options, a list of similar look-alike species, range maps, and a detailed description of each plant are included. Quick identification guides with thumbnail images of each flower arranged by colour and quick identification guides for burdocks, hawkweeds, knapweeds and thistles are also included. The Guide provides an overview of Integrated Pest Management, the variety of control options available, plant reproductive strategies and tips for preventing the spread of invasive species.

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Invasive Plants of Alberta - Single Copy


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